Leather Cleaning Gippsland Does your leather upholstery suffer from any of the following?
  • Cracking & Dryness
  • Fading and leather finishes broken down
  • Scratches and scuffs

Then we have the solution for you! Chem-Dry offers a safe and effective clean for leather furniture that restores its natural vibrancy and shine, adding years of life to your investment.

Do You Know?

Over time, body oils, perspiration, skin acids and regular wear and tear can diminish the appearance of leather furniture, leaving dark spots or stains

  • Oils and Grease – Body oils from people and animals are easily transferred and seep into parts of leather furniture causing serious damage to the furniture’s protective finish.
  • Atmospheric Soils – Dust particles as well as airborne cooking oils and invisible air pollutants produced by common home activities eventually find their way onto leather furniture and cause problems.
  • Common Soils – Soils including common dirt, sand and fibres from plants are tracked into the home by adults, kids and pets, attaching to the leather every time the furniture is used.
  • Dyes and Inks – A leaky pen, the ink from a newspaper and the dyes from fabrics like denim are among the ways that inks and dyes can be transferred to leather furniture and can be hard to remove without damaging the surface.
How can Chem-Dry Carpet Guy help?
  • The first step is to carefully identify your furniture’s leather type and select products specifically designed to clean and remove soil build-ups and other stain causing elements.
  • We’ll then condition and protect your leather to revitalise and replenish its natural beauty and feel.
Couch Cleaning

