Pet Urine Odour Removal Gippsland

Hands up who has fur children living in their home? At Chem-Dry Carpet Guy, we do, and adore the unconditional love and joy our pets can bring into our lives.

However, it can be a challenge to keep our homes clean, healthy and smelling fresh, as accidents do happen!

Luckily, we have a revolutionary cleaning product, P.U.R.T.® (Pet Urine Removal Treatment).

P.U.R.T.® (Pet Urine Removal Treatment).

P.U.R.T. contacts the source of the odour and then immediately begins a chemical reaction that destroys the urine odour.

It’s shown excellent results on even the most severe urine damage.

The video below explains how P.U.R.T.® can get rid of pet urine odours in your home:

The Importance of Prompt Intervention

It is important to organise carpet cleaning pet urine removal sooner rather than later.

Pet urine in the carpet not only leaves an unsightly stain and an unpleasant odour, but also penetrates the fibres and contaminates both the carpet and the floor underneath. This often requires more advanced cleaning techiniques as simple cleaning will not remove the urine and odour.

Pet urine in the carpet

The longer an incident and stain goes untreated, the more likely the urine odour will permeate deeper into the floors and even the foundation of the building. As the urine dries, the liquid evaporates, but the urine crystals become even more concentrated and pungent.